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AutoCAD free trial and computer requirements

are you ready to start learning AutoCAD?


If you are booking onto a CAD course, WAIT until the course to download the free trial.


Firstly let's head over to Autodesk's website so you can download the software.





Here you can search for your free trial. This trial is for 15 days and it will count down each day until it's finished, so if you use two days and then don't use it for a couple, they will be gone. So try and use the free trial as much as possible.


The free trial you want is either AutoCAD LT or AutoCAD.


They are different, but you won't notice the difference when you're learning.


autodesk will ask you to create a free account so you will need to add in your details and create a password etc. You will need to log in each time you use it.


You can have 30 days free if you download one first, say AutoCAD LT, wait until the 15 days are up and then download AutoCAD. You won't be able to download the same one again, Autodesk will want you to subscribe. So make sure you use the whole 15 days first, then go for the other free trial.


The difference is - AutoCAD LT - 80% of the operability but only 20% of the price, no 3D

The full version, AutoCAD, will allow you to do 3D but it's not the best program for this and is a few hundred pounds/dollars per month and you don't need to pay that yet. AutoCAD LT is around 60 pounds/dollars per month (2024) including VAT. If you don't want to keep using it, you simply unsubscribe. 



"I'd like to say a very big thank you for everything you taught Emily last week in her total interior design workshop. Every evening when we spoke with her, she had a huge grin on her face and was excited about what she had learnt and the designs she came up with. 


It has confirmed that a career in interior design is definitely the direction she would like to follow.  You have really inspired her, thank you."


Cath Roberts, France

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