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studio speck
crafting spaces for home & work

Meeting in an office

design clinics for design questions
by GMT School of Design

At Studio Speck, our mission is to help new designers, do-it-yourselfers, property developers and hobbyists get the skills they need to design, become more confident, and help them with any gaps missing from higher education syllabuses, experience, or curiosity or you may have attended one of our courses and want to keep learning.

It does not matter how you become an interior designer or want to be, our design clinics are open to all who want to work in the industry or have a project they are undertaking. You may be a hobbyist taking your passion into a career, or maybe you've just completed your degree but don't feel confident about running your first project or tackling that budget, maybe you have not been taught about budgets, or maybe you've never measured up a space or room before and are afraid of missing key measurements or lack confidence. You may have been a designer for ages but could do with some additional knowledge in areas you're not confident in, this will help you take on larger projects or different clients, whatever it is, don't suffer in silence, pop into one of our design clinics, which are fun and informal and held regularly at the design studio in Cardiff Bay.

Some designers lack CAD skills or don't know how to draw to scale. Whatever knowledge you lack, these design clinics are for you! Every month we will explore key areas to increase your knowledge and confidence and ask questions of experienced interior designers. We'll have CAD/Photoshop/Canva/Zoom lessons, everything you will use as a designer. We are all about imparting our knowledge and experience to make you better designers and help employers with the skills gap that new designers often experience.

Each clinic is stand alone and we'll post what we will cover a few weeks beforehand. Subscribe for up-to-date information.

Design Clinics are not designed to replace any of our courses, they are for supplementary knowledge and information to help you narrow down any aspects you may have forgotten or would benefit from a recap. There will be a Q&A at each session as all your questions will help others. We will also take emails before each session so let us know what you'd like to cover.

Clinics are 2 hrs in duration and you will have access to 2 to 3 interior designers plus suppliers and manufacturers. Come along and ask all your burning questions and increase your knowledge and understanding of interior design.


Book Your Spot

Meet the Team

Meet the design tutors with a wealth of knowledge and experience to answer all your questions at the design clinics.


"I'd like to say a very big thank you for everything you taught Emily last week in her total interior design workshop. Every evening when we spoke with her, she had a huge grin on her face and was excited about what she had learnt and the designs she came up with. 


It has confirmed that a career in interior design is definitely the direction she would like to follow.  You have really inspired her, thank you."

Cath Roberts, France

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