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studio speck
crafting spaces for home & work

A3 space planning pack
  • A3 space planning pack

    This A3 1:20 Furniture space planning pack is a must-have for any interior designer! It is to scale and incredibly useful for space planning and designing layouts by hand. It is easy to use and perfect for creating intricate designs for any room. This template is the ideal tool for any interior designer looking to create a stunning, professional space. This pack includes a range of furniture such as kitchens, chairs, sofas, beds, baths and more plus A4 1:20 scale graph paper. Use 2 for A3.


    Just download and print off, cut out your furniture and away to go. 

    DO NOT tick the 'scale to fit' box in your printer options as these are 'to scale'.


    Happy designing and working out your space!

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